Best ideas for a 3d cake

Birthdays are very special but half birthdays are extra special. Celebrated at the sixth month of the child’s birth, the sixth month birthday is a celebration of the baby’s accomplishments over the months


So it is very important to nail the perfect 6 month birthdaycake as it should not only taste good but also look good in the eyes ofyour child. 

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While there was a time when cakes used to come in atwo-dimensional image, nowadays you can acquire customised cake in a three-dimensionaldesign. In a 3d cake, the image can be made to pop upwards. If you are seekingideas for three-dimensional cakes, read a few below: 


1. Animal theme: 

It is better that you were to introduce your child tonature. One of the ways you can introduce the child to nature is to order a 3dcake that is shaped like an animal. Imagine you are brainstorming ideas for acake for your six-month-old baby. One of the most basic ideas you can rely onis animal themes. Some of the common animals on a three-dimensional cakeinclude a lion and an owl. However, it is important to note that there are alot of animals you can opt for in a three-dimensional cake. 

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2. Rainbow theme: 

One of the things your baby will be drawn to isvibrant colours. If you want to form a connection with a baby, please besurrounded by colours. So, what could be better than a cake that comes with allthe colours of the rainbow? Rainbow is one of the best options for a 3d cake asthe baby will be immediately drawn to the colourful cake. Moreover, the rainbowcake will come in not one, but seven different flavours. 

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3.. Baby theme: 

Another great idea for a cake for a six-month-old babyis to order a three-dimensional cake that looks just like him/her. This kind ofcake may come in one or more than one layer and the top may be adorned with afigurine of a baby. Sometimes, even the entire cake can be designed to looklike a baby or objects related to a baby like a shoe or friendly animals.  


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4. Toy theme: 

One of the first inanimate objects that a baby forms apersonal connection with is toys. So, to show your baby that you are proud oftheir achievements, you could ask the cake shop to bake the 3d cake to looklike the toy they like. Popular with children of all ages, cakes revolvingaround the theme of toys regularly trend on social networking sites likeInstagram. 


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5. Superheroes: 

While they have been around since 1938 in the pages ofcomics, superheroes gained pop-cultural significance much later. Suitable forall ages, superheroes nowadays are extremely beloved by adults. If you as aparent want to familiarise your baby with the awesome universe of superheroes,you can order a cake that either depicts the character. Superman’s “S” insignia, Batman, Spider-Man and many more are some of the popular superheroes for a cake. 

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Apart from the five aforementioned themes, there areseveral other ideas that you can use for a 3d cake. Hopefully, you found the article enjoyable and if you have doubts, pleasecontact a cake shop of your preference.